Saturday, June 23, 2012

Satsumaimo R.I.P.

Satsu for short.

Our sweet-potato mostly-Siamese constant companion is not here this morning to hold down the striped blue and beige woven Alpaca rug that matched his coat and eyes.  He is not here to ring the bells on the front door to go out.  Or ring the bells on the outside to come in.  Only Chloe, the Schnauzer is available to get us off the chairs to open the sliders or check the bowls.  Interlopers will patrol the perimeter of the yard or saunter down the driveway without scrutiny.  The newspaper will escape the floor where it lies after being read.  Suitcases will be inspected only by TSA. Beds will lurch in the night without being held down.

Our social cat had enjoyed the company of the neighbors.  Able to open the sliding screen just enough to let himself in, he startled John one morning as he sat silently upon the bureau.  He liked to visit Marty, but she had the audacity to travel with Shadow who was not interested in guests.  Cats should be kept indoors, but he quickly convinced his humans that "just letting him out" was the easier road.  Living at the end of the neighborhood, cars weren't his concern.  Licked by a doe, he was tolerant and wary of the deer.  He earned the respect of two dogs who thoughts cats are to be chased or taunted.

For over sixteen years Satsu comforted and cheered us and protected the house in our absence.  His vocabulary and problem-solving skills amused us.  He was a good hunter of rodents and a watcher-of-birds.  A moving light was entertaining but only a feather with a human on the end was worth the chase.  There could never be too many beds from which to choose.  His own or guests.

We will miss him.  Best kitty ever.  Joining the others.

R.I.P. Brown-faced Boy.

March 1996 - June 2012

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